Virgílio Varela hero image

Virgílio Varela


Workshop by Virgílio Varela

"Sometimes you dance the dream, sometimes the dream dances you. You are the temporary knot in flux that connects the dreams of the past and the dreams of the Future."

To dream is to connect with our essence and become part of creation. Our dream-bodies are in dialogue with what the universe wants to become. With movement we create new possibilities, activate hidden dreams, emotions and awaken new purposes and possibilities. Novel patterns for life that you can put in practice through new rituals, practices, and projects.

Join Portuguese facilitator Virgilio Varela in his “Dream Movement” to embody the essence of the dream you have for your life-project.

The dream first emerges as a whisper, from the collective field. It enters the sole of your feet, sometimes it rains on you as invisible rain drops. You will be guided through meditation, visualization and the creative power of your body, mind, emotions and spirit.

Finally you will create, mold, draw, paint collectively a synthesis of your dream movement journey on a white canvas. Take some time to reflect and gain new awareness about the essence of your dream, what emerged from within you in the movement and in the collective field.