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Sarah Ulrich


Talk by Sarah Ulrich

What is love? Depending on the perspective we come from, this question can be answered in many different ways: A feeling, a way of life, a utopia. However, it can also be a practice of solidarity and care, where we hold space for each other and people that are marginalized in our society such as FLINTA (Female, Lesbian, Inter, nonbinary, trans and agender) or BIPoC (Black and Indigenous People of Colour).

If we consider a community based approach to creating safer spaces, the idea of radical love can be used in its most profound meaning: A radical idea of holding space for each other, caring for each other and considering each others needs. Those needs may vary depending on the experiences you have, the discrimination you have to face or the identity you live.

Coming from a queerfeminist perspective, journalist Sarah Ulrich will talk about the necessity of creating spaces for people that face oppression and discrimination, the challenges we face when we talk about inclusivity and diversity and why it is important, to build bridges for discourse rather than presenting one single truth.