Boom Guide


A Little Bit Of Preparation Goes A Long Way.


Boom is the walk-in model of an alternative reality, a social experiment geared to finding a positive approach towards the challenges we face nowadays. To get the most out of this experience, we only have to open our minds, to let go and to become one with what surrounds us.



National Identity vs. Oneness / Digital Connection vs. the Here & Now

As a gathering of free spirits, we keep the rules as minimal as possible. However, to encourage an open state of mind, we would like to share some thoughts about spiritual hygiene.

National flags symbolise subgroups rather than our multinational gathering as a whole. They interfere with a state of Oneness, and we kindly ask you not to bring any to Boom Festival.

Mobile phones are fast-track lanes to getting out of the Here & Now. While they seem to connect us with the world, they really isolate us from the people and impressions around us. Every time we document and share the moment, we're actually out of it. Disconnect to connect with Boom. One of our mottos is: Unplug to Connect.

Selfie sticks are the sceptres of 21st century narcissism, boosting the ego rather than the conscious enjoyment of the moment. Also, they prevent us from interaction with our social surroundings. The greatest memories won't fit in the biggest memory card. Be here; be now.

Where are you from? An innocent question with a catch, as the answer tends to incubate your mind with a set of national stereotypes. It's like hoisting national flags inside your head. We encourage you to avoid the most obvious question when meeting new people and get to know them as who they are, rather than where they are from.



Boom Festival has free campsites. Here's a list of basic items you'll need for nesting:

  • A tent
  • A sleeping bag
  • A mattress
  • Poles and a tarp or something to create a shaded space. Prepare for hot weather.

General info about daily life at Boomland:

  • Free drinking water is available all over Boomland.
  • There are also yummy restaurants, communal kitchens and a grocery store.
  • Every day, mid-morning, our Eco Team will be cruising the camping areas, playing a tantalising tune to remind you to get rid of your rubbish. Boomland is your home, please keep it tidy. The Eco Team is here to help!

These are but general guidelines. For more information, visit the Caravans & Cars page.

  • You can bring your campervan.
  • Please be aware that there is no electric power supply.
  • If you are using a chemical toilet in your campervan, please DO NOT ever dispose it into the compost toilets, as this will interfere with the composting process and might even create a health risk for your fellow Boomers.

Parking, camping and the caravan park are included in the ticket price.

We have a limited amount of Tipis, Star Tents, Cardboard Tents and other tents available for renting. Follow this link to know more about accommodation.

  • Please don't leave any valuables in your tent.
  • Safe Lockers are available for your passport, bank cards, etc. at the Info Stand.
  • Can I cook my own food at Boom?

Absolutely. There's nothing like a spontaneous cookout with your fellow Boomers from all around the world! Please keep in mind that due to the high risk of fire cooking is ONLY allowed in the community kitchens, which you will find at the Social Hubs in the camping areas.

  • Can I bring my own gas canister?

Gas devices are not allowed on Boomland as they present a high risk of explosion!

  • Parking is included in the price of your Boom ticket. Please follow the instructions of our ground crew when you land your freak freighter at Boom as there's a system for our free parking.
  • Get detailed info on the Caravans & Cars page.

All human activity produces waste. While being at Boom, like in daily life, you will inevitably produce garbage. So, how close to a zero-waste Boom experience can you get?

  • Use the pocket ashtrays provided in the Welcome Kit. If you lose yours, more are available at the Info Stand. It is estimated that 4.5 trillion cigarrette butts are littered every year. In Portugal alone, seven cigarette butts are thrown in the ground per minute. Each cigarette butt can contain up to 4,700 harmful substances which contaminate the ground.
  • Never use confetti or glitter. if you're using glitter, make sure it is 100% natural and biodegradable.
  • Place your rubbish in the adequate recycling bins. You'll be given a garbage bag at the entrance, use it!
  • Use the compost toilets properly.
  • Once you leave from Boom, make sure to remove your tent pegs and other metals from the soil.
  • If you arrive with your caravan or van, please always dispose your waste water and toilet into the designated collection tanks, NEVER into the compost toilets, as this would destroy them.

Can I buy groceries at Boom?

  • Yes. The on-site supermarket has fresh bread, veggies, fresh fruits, drinks, dairy products, eco-friendly toiletries and even some camping gear.
  • There's nothing like a nice shower after a hot and sweaty day at Boomland. However, please keep in mind that water is a scarce resource out here.
  • The water flows in to Boomland from the public grid which provides access for around 10,000 people who live in the local area. This means the impact of over 30,000 Boomers on the water system is enormous and for this reason, we must be extra mindful.
  • In 2023, 5.4 millions of liters of water were consumed at Boom, which means that on average, a Boomer used approximately 17,3 litres of water per day, as opposed to 21,6 litres per Boomer per day during Boom 2022.
  • To avoid excessive water consumption, we limit the daily operating hours of the many showers that are available all around Boomland.
  • Shower only if you really need it and keep your shower sessions as short as possible. Thank you for understanding and for helping us to save this most precious resource.
  • There are a few ATM machines near the Info Stand at the Camping Village. Be mindful of your expenses. Buy only what you need.
  • For many years we were reluctant to use technology to serve the needs of a large scale event happening in a remote location. Our apprehension also came from the feeling that technology would dehumanise the social interactions that come with the purchasing process.
  • However, we're happy to have found a solution that we believe caters the needs of Boomers and the festival. This mixed system will also significantly reduces the amount of paper used during Boom.
  • Boomers can ask for a refund of their outstanding balance after the festival, to be announced closer to the date. 
  • Read our comprehensive Cashless FAQ to know more.
  • Sound systems and generators are not allowed. Please respect your neighbours: let’s keep the noise level and carbon footprint low.

This is not your average flea market. Vendors from across the planet set up shop along the busy trajectories of Boomland where they display all manner of eccentric apparel, artesanal creations, quirky jewellery and organic products. We seek out the most creative and imaginative stalls to participate. 




  • Lost something? Found something? Please head to the Info Stand! Additionally, a Lost & Found platform will be available after the festival.


Foodies and lovers of international cuisine will be happy to hear that there are many different restaurants offering a variety of food. Each one is selected according to its quality, ethics and affordability. Most options are vegan or vegetarian.

Simply stroll down to Central Plaza to explore the different menus, or head over to the Sacred Fire to enjoy a fabulous breakfast, brunch, lunch, dinner, or snack any time of the day or night. 

  • You will find free drinking water at 31 taps all over Boomland.
  • Bring your reusable water bottle and stay hydrated at all times.


  • Glass bottles are NOT ALLOWED at Boom. Glass creates a high risk of injury, and might even cause a fire (remember the magnifying glass effect?). Vehicles will be searched for glass, so please pour all your drinks into other bottles before you arrive.
  • Eco Tip: Avoid plastic, opt for steel instead!
  • We encourage all Boomers to bring their own refillable container! These can be used to carry around water or any other drink served at the food areas, bars and chaishops during the festival. 
  • ALL restaurants and chaishops at Boom Festival use biodegradable dishware and cutlery to serve food.
  • These belong in the organic recycling bin once you've finished enjoying your meal.


 No need to pack your entire wardrobe! Consider the bare minimum:

  • Some light clothing for hot weather;
  • Cold nights: a jumper, long pants and socks;
  • Swimwear (although you can also go without);
  • Costumes... to reveal your true identity;
  • Boots or trainers to protect feet from a dry, harsh terrain;
  • Flip-flops;
  • Sunglasses;
  • Hat;
  • Portable ashtray;
  • A cloth/scarf which you can wet and wrap around your head/body to cool down;
  • Sense of humour and adventure, and a big smile;
  • A waist-bag to keep your documents.
  • Boom Festival ticket;
  • Passport or identity card. It is mandatory to show a valid ID together with your ticket at the gate;
  • Tent, sleeping bag, pillow, mattress;
  • Flashlight or headlamp with spare batteries; 
  • Funny hats;
  • Water refill container;
  • Eco sunscreen lotion, moisturiser, lip balm (protect yourself, especially between 10:00 and 17:00);
  • Biodegradable toothpaste, soap and shampoo;
  • Condoms; 
  • Hand sanitiser; 
  • Ear-plugs.
  • We live in a material world, which often ticks us into thinking we need more when in fact, we need less. 
  • A camping gear rental shop is available on site. More information on this topic will be provided closer to the festival dates.
  • Bio insect repellent;
  • Particule/dust mask;
  • Solar shower can be useful;
  • Shade structures/umbrellas/parasols to protect your camp from the sun; 
  • Bowl, cutlery, and cooking pan if you wish to cook your own food using the community kitchens and food from the Boom grocery.


  • Welcome to the Young Dragons area: a sort of Boom-inside-Boom, custom tailored for the youngest generation. 
  • Please Note: The hot climate, noise and dust levels create a somewhat demanding environment. We do not recommend bringing kids younger than 3 years old.
  • Inclusivity is one of the core principles of Boom.
  • Please read the detailed information on the Accessibility page and register before you travel to Boom, so we can give you as much support as possible: 
  • We all love our pets, however, Boom is just not the right place for them – for their own safety or for the safety of your fellow Boomers. The somewhat intense environment of Boom with its hot climate, all the smells and all the movement, the busy campsite, the dust and noise levels – that's a great experience for humans, but overwhelming and stressful for most pets. Also there's a risk of  leishmaniasis – a disease transmitted by parasites which can kill animals.
  • So please, DO NOT BRING YOUR PETS at Boom. Visit the Pets webpage for more information.


  • A great Boom experience rests on three pillars: drink plenty of water, eat enough and sleep enough. Your radiant smile will tell you when these three factors are well balanced!

  • The sun is great, but remember: the dose makes the poison! Seek shade, and never fall asleep in the sun. If you see anyone sleeping under the scorching sun, please wake them up.

  • Drench your t-shirt, sarong, etc in water and enjoy the most eco-friendly air con on this planet! 

  • Use quality sunscreen.

  • Sleep. Okay, you might miss a few hours of festival – but be assured: you will enjoy the remaining hours so much more.

  • Take your time. Boom is on for a full week, so there's no need to crank it at full throttle from day one. Enjoy the mellow, chilled out aspects of Boom and work towards the climax in a slow and conscious fashion.

  • Always respect yourself, respect others and respect Mother Nature.

  • The hot summer weather should never be underestimated. It has a direct influence on your body and your mind, and also supports the growth of bacteria. With thousands of Boomers around, it is very important to keep up a certain hygiene.
  • Always wash your hands after using the toilet and before eating. Speaking of the toilets: Use them, don't piss or shit anywhere else. 
  • Fire is absolutely NOT ALLOWED! The risk of devastating bushfires is extremely high, that's why any sort of open flame is strictly forbidden. 

  • The only animal that needs mentioning here is a species of scorpion known as lacrau. It's very common in this region, and its sting can be very painful. Be careful when lifting rocks or putting on your shoes, because these little fellas like to hide here. If you get stung, seek medical attention immediately.
  • There is a 24-hour medical service at Boom throughout the festival. Before coming to the festival, make sure to look at the map attentively and memorise where they are located.
  • In case of a medical emergency, head to the First Aid points, the on-site hospital or talk to any member of the Boom team. If you witness anything that might be a fire, head to the Info Stand or contact a member of the Boom Team immediately. There are 24/7 medical services and firefighter units at Boomland.
  • Please visit the Kosmicare page for more information.
  • There is no pharmacy at Boom. However, the on-site medical service will administer essential medications if needed.
  • If you need to store a specific medication in the fridge, we can provide this service for you. Please note that this may incurr a fee.
  • If you have any inquiries, make sure to reach out to us via the contact form before the festival.
  • The lake water is safe to swim in, but not to drink.
  • Please respect nature: NEVER piss or shit in the lake, and do not use any petrochemical soaps or lotions.


  • Maintain a moderate speed and ensure that your bicycle has functioning brakes; 
  • Give pedestrians the right of way, stay on designated paths and make sure you have lights for visibility at night;
  • Avoid bringing it to stages or crowded areas;
  • Park it at the designated parking areas throughout the festival grounds.
  • The maximum allowed power output for electric bikes is limited to 250 watts; 
  • Charging facilities at the Bike Village are only available for electric bicycles used by individuals with specific mobility needs or by Boom Cyclists for their arrival and departure; 
  • We recommend refraining from using it unless you have specific mobility needs.

Digital (Dis) Connection

  • Yes, there is a place where you can charge your phone... But: If you really wanna experience what Boom is all about, we strongly encourage you to keep your mobile phone switched off for a week. That might at first feel like losing connection, but you will soon notice that disconnecting is essential to connect with the people and impressions that really surround you, to connect with the Here & Now. Charge you mind with the spirit of Boom!

  • Boom is a free space. It was therefore inevitable that drones would become more and more present during the festival, operated by people who wish to capture moments of their experience. But we've reached a limit. Drones are not welcome at the festival, neither are intrusive cameras who do not respect the personal boundaries of Boomers.
  • The only drones allowed during Boom are those belonging to official Boom photographers and videographers. Invasive cameras (photo and film) will not be tolerated and may be forced to leave the venue.
  • If you're a respectful communication professional and wish to join the team, we invite you to submit your application. 


  • There are no wi-fi hotspots at Boom. Live in the offline and unplug to connect.

The Dharma Dragon, Boom Festival's newspaper, has been around since 2002. The newspaper is distributed during the festival and we've made every edition published available online.


Boom is a human experience that entails the set and the setting, nature, and the vibe that is felt in the present moment. It is not meant to be streamed. 


While it is used as a tool for large-scale data gathering in the benefit of some corporations, social media can also be used as a means of interacting and connecting with Boomers all over the world and share ideas worth spreading. Hence, our presence on social networks is one focused on information, education and culture rather than ego-driven communication. During Boom, we share diaries (written, photo and video) on our social networks to keep the community informed.