Boom Guide


Do You Want to Bring Your Palace on Wheels to Boom? Then You Are Most Welcome!

Do you want to bring your palace on wheels to Boom? Then you are most welcome!

Boom loves the nomadic traveller community - and vice versa too.

As travellers ourselves, we understand the joys and challenges of life on the road, so we’ve ensured that Boom is a caravan-friendly festival providing spacious, well-equipped parking areas situated as close to the main areas as possible.

However, there are several conditions which need to be considered when driving large vehicles through the natural terrain. These are explained in the instructions below. Please read on to ensure a fantastic Boom experience for one and all.

May Boom always be one of the favourite homes of the global nomadic community! One Love!


This information has been devised to improve your Boom experience, so please ensure you read the following instructions very carefully.

  • Please pour all wastewater/greywater into the appropriate containers provided. Failure to do so will endanger the environment, the species that live within it and the well-being of those around you.
  • Do not pour wastewater into the compost toilets! Doing so will kill all microorganisms and disrupt the composting processes.
  • Please recycle all rubbish at designated recycling points and get rid of trash in rubbish bins.
  • Compost Toilets: ONLY human waste should go in. This means: no wet wipes, baby diapers (nappies), female hygiene products (including tampons), cigarettes etc.

  • Please help us keep the Caravan and Camping areas clean, safe and fun by maintaining your area and looking out for each other’s possessions. Make friends with your neighbours. Take care of each other. WE ARE ONE!

  • Trailer vehicles or small vans are allowed in Caravan Park B, C and D. Please be aware of tents around you to prevent accidents.

  • Pets are NOT allowed at Boom. 

  • Be mindful of trees, plants and the tiniest forms of life. Do not disturb the likes of ants by planting your tent on their home! We can all have fun and still respect nature.

  • You will not be able to move your vehicle for the duration of the festival once it is parked at Caravan Park A, which is situated within Boomland.

  • Caravan Park A has very limited space. Many other people will also be using it, so please do not occupy more space than you actually need.

  • Caravans are not permitted to leave Caravan Park A before 24 July. This is because people without vehicles must exit the festival first: SAFETY COMES FIRST.

  • No pets allowed.

  • No sound systems allowed.

  • Shade structures: must be smaller than 10 m2.

  • Any caravans parked outside the designated areas will be removed and turned into a recycled art installation!

  • Wastewater: MUST be collected in the containers provided. Please do not put wastewater into the ground or into a stream. This will endanger the environment and the general well-being of everyone around you.

  • The caravan parking space is a community. Say hello and have a cup of tea with your lovely neighbours, come together as one family, look out for each other and be mindful of each other’s possessions. Make sure you lock your things away and do not leave your caravan unlocked and unattended.

  • Motorcycles are not allowed inside Caravan Park A or inside the festival grounds.

  • Trailer vehicles, small vans and heavy trucks are not allowed in Caravan Park A

  • It is strictly forbidden to light fires at Boom!

  • If absolutely necessary, you can move your caravan during the festival with the assistance of a Boom team member, .

  • Feel free to set up your own camp, but please be mindful of the limited space around you.

  • No sound systems allowed.

  • Any caravans not parked in designated areas will be removed and turned into recycled art installations!

  • Wastewater: MUST be collected in the containers provided. Please do not put wastewater into the ground or into a stream. This will endanger the environment and the general well-being of everyone around you.

  • The caravan parking space is a community. Say hello and have a cup of tea with your lovely neighbours, come together as one family, look out for each other and be mindful of each other’s possessions. Make sure you lock your things away and do not leave your caravan unlocked and unattended.

  • No pets allowed.

  • It is strictly forbidden to light fires at Boom.

  • Be aware of tents which may be pitched nearby. Test your brakes and never, ever put your caravan on a slope with tents below. This will help prevent accidents and help keep your fellow Boomers safe.

  • Boom Crew are there to guide you and help maintain the highest standards of safety. Please respect them and their guidance!

  • Please be very careful with risk of fire.

  • Do not pitch your tent in the car park! There is a camping area inside the festival. It is just a few minutes walk from the entrance gate.

  • No pets allowed.

  • Do not park on roads and forbidden areas: your car will be immediately removed if you do so.

  • As a safety measure, all vehicles in the Car Park should be parked in exit position (this means the vehicle front should be facing the road).

  • Please lock your car and watch out for your possessions and those of your neighbours.

  • You can move your car during the festival.  

Be happy, have lots of FUN and take care of each other!