Boom Guide
Taking Care Of Each Other
“Those of us who work with Kosmicare believe that the world is a shared community responsibility, where we must look out for and take care of each member, just like in a tribal setting. We believe the well-being of each individual is vital to the well-being of the whole.” - Kosmicare Team Member
Substances are not legal in Portugal, although due to the Portuguese decriminalisation laws, projects for risk minimisation, such as the ones promoted by the Kosmicare Association, are allowed. The Kosmicare at Boom is funded by Boom Festival and is done under a forward thinking legal context and also due to a special permission granted by the Portuguese Governmental Agency for Drug Issues (SICAD).
The Kosmicare Association was born in 2016, from a pioneer project that started at Boom in 2002.
Since 2010, the work done at the festival on harm reduction is born from a collaborative initiative between the festival and several other entities such as the Faculty of Psychology and Education – Catholic University of Portugal, and the Portuguese Governmental Agency for Drug Issues (SICAD). The Kosmicare Association promotes a number of interventions at the festival.
Substance usage, whether legal or illegal, carry problems and dangers. Please be aware of the risks that ultimately can be harmful for your life.
Several therapists developed a book to to raise awareness on this matter. We suggest the reading of the Manual of Psychedelic Support, free and available for download.
Feel free to reach out to should you have any inquiries.
Be kind to yourself.
- The Drugs Info Stand / Drug Checking is at Central Plaza, close to the Liminal Village
- Here you will find advice on substance use risk reduction practices through information, material distribution, peer work and also a drug checking lab.
- Drug Checking is offered through a special permit issued by the Portuguese authority SICAD. You can benefit from feedback concerning the illicit substances you are planning to use in a totally safe and anonymous way. Drug checking is a very useful strategy in minimising the risks and negative effects associated with the use of unknown uncontrolled substances.
- Given that in most events across the world substance use is common and highly prevalent, at Boom we take responsibility and take care of Boomers by providing top innovative services such as these.
- Taking drugs carries several risks and it’s important to consider them before making decisions regarding its use. Always respect your mind and your body, seek accurate information and STAY SAFE!
- At this hub you can also get other specific health related materials like condoms and safe sex related information.
- Care for your hearing: There are earplugs available at the Kosmicare Hub, however we advise all Boomers to bring good quality earplugs, preferably custom molded to your own ears.
- The Kosmicare Psychedelic Emergency Hub is located at the Camping Village, next to Boom Medical Services and the Boom Bus Station.
- At Kosmicare Psychedelic Emergency Hub you can find a team of multilingual and multi-skilled professionals and volunteers, including psychologists, therapists and psychotherapists from various holistic and conventional orientations, mental health professionals, psychiatrists, nurses, homeopaths, most of which are also just fellow Boomers. All of them are prepared to assist you in case a difficult experience emerges, whether it is associated with drug use or not.
- If at a given point you, a friend, someone you just met, or even a stranger is having a difficult time, look for a Boom staff member, Steward, Kosmicare Psychedelic Emergency Hub, Kosmicare Info Hub, or medical staff nearby.
- The Kosmicare Psychedelic Emergency Hub works closely with Boom Medical Services and other relevant services operating inside and outside the festival.
Due to their illegal status, composition of drugs is highly variable. Adulteration is very likely to occur. This means you may intend to use a product, but end up using a very different one. Be sceptic! Analyse your samples in our Drug Checking service, near the Dance Temple.
Set (how you feel) and Setting (your environment) will determine the course of your experience. Choose wisely the moment, the company and the place for your journey. A difficult time triggered by drug use may occur even when you are an experienced user.
Always start with a small dose and only work up if you feel you need. Adulterated products sometimes take longer than expected to rise. Don't risk overdosing.
Avoid mixing substances, respect your body.
Keep up hydration and make regular pauses while dancing.
Be careful with sun exposure and always use sun screen.
Define a meeting point to reconnect with your friends if anyone gets lost.
Take care of your friends. Be patient and caring. WE ARE ONE!
Sex is only sex when consensual. Otherwise it’s rape! Remember, the absence of a clear “no” doesn’t mean, “yes”. Only “YES” means “YES”!
Help us promote a good and positive atmosphere: avoid interpersonal violence and sexual harassment. If things get out of control, search for help.
- If you, a friend, someone you just met or even a stranger is having a difficult time, look for a Boom staff member.
Boom Festival discourages the use of any illegal drug due to the risks involved. However, we strongly believe in auto-determination and the ability of adults to make informed decisions. Again, be sceptic and respect your body. STAY SAFE.