

Waste Not, Want Not

At Boom, we believe that everything has potential - even waste. Managing waste effectively is a key priority for us, both before, during and after the festival.

Here’s how we categorize and handle waste at Boom:

  • Recyclable Waste: This includes plastics, paper, metal, and glass, all of which are sorted and sent for recycling to give them a second life.
  • Compostable Waste: Leftover food from kitchens, along with biodegradable dishware and cutlery, are composted to enrich the soil and contribute to our gardens.
  • Regular Waste: Unfortunately, some items can’t be repurposed or recycled. These go to landfill, but we strive to minimize this as much as possible.
  • Industrial Waste: From the inks used in our vibrant artworks to leftover building materials, we ensure that industrial waste is disposed of responsibly by sending it to certified facilities.

By raising awareness and encouraging mindful consumption, we aim to reduce waste and promote sustainability. Remember, every small effort counts in our collective journey towards a cleaner, greener festival experience.




Plastic, paper, glass and metal is organised by more than 200 eco-team members who collect, separate and compartmentalise each material. Containers are then processed by the public waste recycling unit Valnor.

This process means that we avoid using mechanical processes for separating the materials, preventing unnecessary CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.

Be sure to help the volunteers by dumping your rubbish into the correct recycling bins so that we can keep the natural cycle of life going.



The We Make Soil project aims to collect maximum levels of compostable organic matter. The 45.5t of organic waste from 2023 edition was transformed into energy but also sent to a composting unit and brought back to Boomland in order to create soil.


FACT: It takes hundreds of years to form just a centimetre of soil, yet humans have become experts at destroying it in minutes.

It seems only fair that we put it back the way we found it…

We do this by creating compost from organic waste to nourish the soil and make it fertile. Organic waste is derived from food scraps. Plates, cups and cutlery made from potatoes can be composted too.

To help the process, please ensure you throw your food scraps into the correct bin.